how to make lsd
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a synthetic substance derived from a compound found in the fungus ergot, which infects rye (grain). 1
LSD is a psychedelic drug, which means it belongs to a class of substances known as psychedelics. It can cause modest alterations in perception, emotion, and thought when taken in small quantities. Larger doses may cause visual hallucinations and spatial and temporal abnormalities. 2
Other compounds, such as NBOMe or the 2C family of medicines, can sometimes be sold as LSD (part of the new psychoactive substances). Because of their variable quality, these can be highly harmful. Taking too much of these other substances can be dangerous, as evidenced by a number of reported deaths. 3 & 4
What it appears to be
lysergic acid diethylamide is a white, odourless crystalline material in its purest form. However, LSD is so powerful that a single effective dose of the pure substance is essentially undetectable. As a result, it’s frequently mix with other substances.
Drops of lysergic acid diethylamide solution dried onto gelatin sheets, bits of blotting paper, or sugar cubes are the most frequent form, which release the drug when ingested. lysergic acid diethylamideis also available in liquid, pill, and capsule form. 1,2
Acid, trips, tabs, microdots, dots, Lucy are some of the other names for this sound.
What is the purpose of LSD?
LSD is most commonly taken by mouth or dissolve under the tongue, but it can also be snort, inject, or smoke.
1 & 2
LSD’s Side Effects
There is no such thing as a safe level of drug consumption. Any medicine has a risk associated with it. When using any kind of medication, it’s critical to be cautious.
LSD has varying effects on different people, depending on:
health, size, and weight
whether the person is accustom to taking it, whether other medications are taken at the same time, the dosage, and the drug’s strength (varies from batch to batch).
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